BlizzardSMP Rules

General Conduct

  1. Be respectful to all members. Harassment, hate speech, discrimination, and excessive toxicity will not be tolerated.
  2. No spamming, excessive pinging, or disruptive behavior.
  3. Keep discussions civil and appropriate. No NSFW content, political debates, or controversial discussions.
  4. Do not impersonate staff members or other users.
  5. English only in the main channels. Use other languages in designated channels if available.

Chat & Media

  1. No advertising or self-promotion without staff approval.
  2. No posting inappropriate, harmful, or illegal content.
  3. Keep memes and off-topic discussions in designated channels.
  4. Use appropriate channels for specific topics (e.g., Minecraft discussions in the Minecraft chat).

General Conduct

  1. No exploiting game mechanics, cheating, or hacking (e.g., X-ray, auto-clickers, hacked clients).
  2. No intentional lagging or crashing the server.
  3. PvP is allowed only in the wild or designated areas.
  4. No using exploits or unfair advantages in combat.

Building & Land Claims

  1. Respect other players' builds. Do not grief, destroy, or modify without permission.
  2. No building inappropriate structures or offensive symbols.
  3. Land claims are honored. If you want land near another player’s area, ask for permission.
  4. Do not block or trap important areas like spawn or portals.
  5. No griefing, Do not grief claimed land including spawn in anyway.

Economy & Trading

  1. No scamming other players in trades or deals.
  2. Shops and businesses should be fair and honest.
  3. Do not exploit the in-game economy.

Farms & Redstone

  1. Do not create excessive lag machines or redstone contraptions that harm server performance.
  2. Auto-farms must follow server guidelines.

Additional Rules

  1. No AFK farming (unless with generators) or automated bot accounts.
  2. Do not intentionally load excessive chunks to slow down the server.
  3. Report any bugs or exploits immediately to staff.